When I first discovered breathwork it came to me in the most surprising of ways a few years after I quite a 27 year career in hospitality stressed to the hilt and on the verge of burnout.
The buildup of stress, anxiety and inner turmoil had been growing for years and back then I had no understanding about the negative impact ongoing stress was having on me and I had no real understanding for what Burnout actually was.
Reduce Stress Levels
Decrease anxiety
Improve overall wellbeing
Improve Focus
Boost performance
Overcome blocks and trauma
Enhance your personal development
If you were not aware of it, breathwork is considered the #1 resource by many of today's top mindful and stress release experts.
This is for you even if you don’t have a mediation or mindful practice in place or are just looking for a way to calm that constant chatter in your head.
During a session, all you do is lie back in the comfort of your home and I will guide you through the breathwork journey.
NO pills, no rituals - just a practical, natural way to quieten the ego mind and facilitate a calming release where you feel the difference in 90 minutes.
How does this technique work?
How does this technique work?
You lie back in a comfortable, quiet place where you will not be disturbed and I guide you through 1 hour of deep breathing in combination with music and a guided journey of release and refocus.
This is a process of slowing down your conscious mind to allow you to enter your subconscious as you move very quickly into theta brainwave state which is the same state your mind is in when you are just about to sleep and when you first wake.
There are huge benefits for this.
When in this place of peace and relaxation, your body will instinctively know what to do for self healing, releasing old blocks and anxiety and releasing the baggage you are carrying from this past year.
Taking you into theta helps you get into the ‘operating system’ allowing to get into the place to reframe problems, shift perspectives and helping you see things through a new lens.
Previous problems become opportunities for growth. The more stored stress, trauma, anxiety and baggage that is present, the more you will need to breath.
Release blocks and increasing personal awareness
Stress relief and emotional healing
Calmness and improved sleep
Heightened Intuition and creativity
Peace in your mind
Preparing you for 2024.
"Hi Tim, I’m still sort of floating about. I cannot remember a time in my life that I have felt so calm and relaxed as I do now."
"You are right - TRANSFORMATIONAL. I feel like I can conquer the world"
"This was super amazing, jeepers it feels like I’ve been to a spa. Soooooo relaxed. Thanks, Tim"
"It was absolutely marvelous Tim...I felt the positive benefit during and since”.
“This experience blew my mind and I was shocked at what my subconscious brought up for me to remember and experience again”
“This was a major breakthrough experience for me, thanks to your guidance. For this, I thank you deeply”.
“It's interesting that I almost gained more from the mindset and appreciation of breath, through your information, guidance and education, than the physical breathwork itself. This may also just be me learning the value of your guidance, over and above the breathing techniques themselves.”
The most important and lasting learning for me, is the value of breath. This session has opened my eyes to the importance of breath in everything we think and action (or decline to action)”.
“I attended another of Tim's breathwork sessions and am loving the awareness that the deep breathing exercises are creating in my life. I was feeling a bit fluey last night, yet I felt like a million bucks after the session. If you haven’t reached out to him yet, do it today!”
While Breathwork is deemed to be a very safe, non invasive experience, you may need to consult your physician if you are on strong medication or suffer from epilepsy and seizures.
If you have had recent surgery or are pregnant then these sessions are not advised due to the deep breathing and potential body movements.
If you have asthma then ensure your have your inhaler.
For the best experience, only light meals and no alcohol before the journey.
By registering you represent that you are in good health and you accept responsibility for the breathwork session and understand that you are in full control of your journey at all times.
By attending the session you acknowledge that you have read the above and agree to proceed with full responsibility.
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